Missing them already......
My parents just left this afternoon and I miss them already. We had such a fun visit and antique shopping was a big part of that fun! Above is my mom and my sweet little guy.

He is so good to always pose for me and my millions of photos I take! This store always has so many wonderful goodies both inside and outside as you can see.

It was inside this store I found an amazing bargain. I found this gorgeous 16 X20 oval wood frame for only $10!!! I had them hold it while my mom and I looked around the store for more treasures. When I was ready to pay the man who worked there said "Oh, that has already been paid for by a benefactor- and admirer of yours." I looked at my Mama and said "DAD!!" Apparently, while we were busy shopping he was busy buying this for me. I thought he was just at the counter showing off his grandson! How sweet is that? Thanks Dad!!

Next is my new VERY favorite antique store! This place was loaded with all sorts of goodies that I love!

Dreamy, isn't it? All the lovely shades of white?? It had lots of booths full of colorful goodies, too!

It was in this store I found another treasure that I have recently been searching for........

this sweet carnival doll!!! My sweet Mama bought her for me. Isn't she SO cute??

I made her a little dress of lace and gave her some pink feathers for her hair.

I love this booth at yet another antique mall, but the prices were very high, so I just look here for fun and inspiration.

Oh, and here are some yummy colored vintage prom dresses. I loved the pink one in front. Sorry I didn't get a better photo. I wanted to take it home with me but it wasn't exactly in my price range!

Here are a few of my sweet Mama's beautiful vintage finds.....

Actually, I found these beauties for her. We were in a booth and I saw a huge wardrobe and I said "I wonder if anything is in here" but in my head I was thinking there wouldn't be. But there was! I found a big ziplock full of vintage millinery flowers! We went through them and each bought a few of the best ones. What a fun and lucky find!!

Here is a plate I gave my Mama for her birthday and some more of her vintage finds.

She found the entire set of rhinestone jewelry above for only $4- wow!! I guess the Antique's Fairy was watching over us and guiding us to the prettiest goodies and the best bargains!! LOL!!
Thanks for the fun time Mama and Dad!
Michelle, i am NOT kidding, i really DO want to come and go shopping with you:) those antique stores look just amazing and chock full of pretties...your boy is so cute, what a good little poser he is!! sorry you are missing your mom and dad...i am still looking forward to a visit from my parents next monday:)
eeeeeps!!! i forgot to say that i just LOVE the sweet doll your mom bought for you and she is a wonderful addition to your pretty new banner!!!
Hi, the first thing I noticed was your new banner, I love it!! Then I discovered that cute doll was a gift from your mother, lucky you, I can imagine how you miss her, well both your parents, but a mum is a teeny bit more special (at least that was my case). Have a fun day visiting other blogs with dolls today, thanks to Lori!
Michelle, you and your mama found some wonderful things. It was fun to go along with you and see where you spent time together. Isn't it special to enjoy such wonderful places with our mothers? I especially like the sweet smile on your little guy's face. He looked right at home surrounded by all the pretty things. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I hope you will come by again soon. I'll be back here to check in and see what you have to share. ~Adrienne~
I think that would be MY favorite shop too!! Loved so much stuff I saw. There was some fabric that looks right up my vintage alley! Aren't your parents wonderful?! Mine are like that too. So, so lucky!! Blessings.. Polly
Loved seeing those awesome shops. I found several things in your pictures I would totally buy. Thanks for sharing. Your little boy is so sweet and I'm glad you were able to antique shop with your Mom.
Hi Michelle,
You and your mama had so much fun. Those antique stores look so amazing. I agree with Lori, I want to come shopping with you. Wouldn't it be so cool if a bunch of us could meet somewhere someday?
LeAnn :)
How fun. Those are really lovely photos of beautiful things. :)
That jewelry set is gorgeous! What a steal! You lucky duck! You must have had so much fun antiquing. I am always ready to head out to the shops too! :)mendy
What fun! Looks like you were in alittle bit of heaven! The prom dresses are gorgous!!!!~
looks like you had a wonderful time with your parents...what lovely stores! and beautiful things!
What a great store! Oh my goodness, that would be my favorite store too! Looks like you had a great day with your folks and your son! What great memories!
:0) sharon
What fun antique shopping you did. The new one you went to DOES look like it has lots of goodies!!! Love the little carnival doll!
OH.. EVERYTHING is so beautiful!!!
What a great shopping trip- such treasures, and great prices. And such great pictures. I love how you dressed up your little doll in a flapper style. What a sweetie!
Oh, so glad you and your mom had a wonderful visit...I love all your gorgeous finds! The plate you gave her is beautiful....and I think the flea market angels were watching over you Pinkie Denise
P.S. your mom is less than an hour away from me..maybe we can get together?
Hi Michelle, your blog is beautiful and the shopping divine! I want those vintage prom dresses for my craft room they would be so inspiring. Sorry you are homesick, when I lived in Hawaii, I missed home everyday, I understand what you are feeling...bless your heart!
I went to school in Abilene, Abilene Christian University, and found the people to be so wonderful and kind but, the landscape so ugly. :(
Blessings on your day, come visit me on my blog! Donna Lynn
HI Michelle, your antique stores are so beatifully shabby, much better than ours which mainly have brown furniture and lots of china - never any vintage millinery or prom dresses. I love everything you bought and am soooo envious!
Lucy x
oOOh yUMMY - I want pop by for some tea and cakes, so that you can take me around those lovely places.... thanks for popping over to my blog and of course I'll add you as a friend....I love it over here....your son looks like my son darryl when he was that age....so we are kinda family! speak to you soon - luv happy x
Everything looks beautiful, especially your son and his Grandma! thanks for sharing all the lovely photos...
im going to start to cry- becouse i want to come shopping with you and your family-i loved all your photos- singing and skipping love jo- p.s i just love your dolly-
Love your new banner.
LeAnn :)
Ahhhh.....your little man is soooo cute!! What a sweetie! And I'm with Lori....I'm coming to your town and shopping! What beautiful stores....Karin
Hi Michele~
Oh my! The stores you visited were amazing...they look so dreamy. So glad you had a nice day with your Mom, too!
I am so happy to see that you have a blog. I don't know where I have been!!!I have my own blog too, and would love for you to come visit..I am also Oh so very... on flickr. Here is my blog address-
Looking forward to hearing from you!
xxxooo Ruth
Oh my..such nice antique stores!! Where in Calif. did you live? we were from Pasadena. I really enjoyed your blog. Laurie
what a lovely shop to call your favorite. i think it would be mine too. i recently moved from san antonio but have relatives in austin and we still visit. i would love to know where it located if you dont mind revealing you sources. :)
thanks for dropping by my blog.
Great new banner! I love hat plate you bought for your mother-GREAT shops! I would be there way too much and spend way too much!
Soo fun!
Love your newest doll! You have to tell me where you're shopping. I'm sure it's within driving distance!!!
PS Fabulous new banner!
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