To My Valentine...
I know it's past Valentine's Day, but I just had to show you what my beloved Valentine gave me!

These fabulous vintage Valentine candy boxes!!! I have really been wanting one (or a collection of them!). They are just so nostalgic and romantic and sweet! And these two are my favorite colors, aqua and pink!!!

I can't believe how huge the aqua one is. It's about 16 inches! It would take a lot of chocolates to fill up that box. A big thank you and huge smooch to my dear hubby for this lovely gift!!! I think they are so pretty I may just leave them out all year long!
Michelle xoxo
those r both sooo beautiful! I would leave them out too
They are certainly lovely enough to leave out year round!!!!
So beautiful--what a thoughful gift from your hubby, sounds like a keeper!
Gorgeous! Way too lovely to pack away.
So gorgeous! There is something about those vintage candy heart boxes that make me so happy.
I've been wanting some myself! Did he find them on his own? What a guy!
In my book Valentine's Day is never over..lovely Vintage Valentine boxes..What a great guy!
Yours Sincerely,
Very nice hubby :) They are very pretty.
What a wonderful gift. Those candy boxes are so pretty and cute.
Michelle, is never too late to show love. I keep seasonal things year around if I like them, ex; my bunnies, garden related stuff and bottle brush trees. I just change colors and dress the bunnies and the trees according to season. Thanks for inquiring about the store. I always knew you were really close because the places that you visit and loved are my favorites too. If you google my store name (Marta's room) my Craiglist and Ebay classifieds adds come up. The info is all there. Do call me in advance if you decide to come this way since I take care of my mom and sometimes the unexpected happens. I hope I get to meet you in person sometime soon, blessings, Marta.
Now those are fabulous valentine gifts!! He's a pretty cool guy for those!! Love them! Lori P.S I bet you can guess where I ould like to kick my self? My sweet dad would buy me and mom one each in the 60's and 70's of course I don't have them anymore!OUCH! Yep, kick myself!LOL Lori
Hey there Michelle,
It was so good to have you come by. And I do believe you have the sweetest man on the planet. I hope you mean to keep him forever, because those are hard to find these days. You lucky girl you! The boxes are to die for!
Michelle-I've been following your blog for a while now. LOVE your style, taste and what a wonderfully genuine person you are. Your husband is certainly one in a million...knowing and appreciating you...that's love! I can't wait to see what Spring brings on your blog. Take care! Karla
Oh what a wonderful gift!
Those certainly are very pretty and a lovely thought from your husband ^^<3
Oh, so cute, Michelle...He is a keeper! I loved seeing all of the pretties this morning...esp the bit of bling going to your is so much fun seeing what you two give each other...makes me smile everytime:)
Have a great (warm-no fair) weekend!
Hello, Oh how beautiful and wonderful. What a sweet hubby. Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing, I love to visit your beautiful blog, you always have such pretty pictures. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri
Wow1 What a guy! I love that aqua box...I'd grab that in a heartbeat if I saw one. It's a real beauty! Very pretty post!
Awwww very good job hubby!! *winks8 Vanna
I think he's as sweet as you! So beautiful...I'd definitely leave them out! Have a wonderful day Michelle! xo, Ann
I love your Valentine boxes! Yes, I would leave them out all year too!
Just stumbled across your blog and it's just beautiful. Love the vintage upcycled mix. l'll definately be back.
Wow those boxes are so glad you had a wonderful Valentines
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