Welcome to my humble blog! I doubt anyone checks this silly blog since I have not posted since hmmmm- maybe a year ago? Oh my- yes, it has been that long. I'm going to try to start up again because I so enjoy all the lovely and inspring blogs that I visit daily and I hope that I can return the kindness and maybe offer some pretty photos and inspiration too! I don't have a working camera now (I slipped on ice and my poor camera went flying through the air!), but I do have some photos to share and a scanner so here we go! :D I am by no stretch of the imagination of writer, so please bear with me as I use run-on sentences and jump from subject to subject without warning! I have just started to try collage art and I am loving it!!! I cannot draw, but I can find pretty things and I enjoy putting them all together. There is so much wonderful artistic inspiration on flickr.com and I am so addicted to it! I enjoy peeking into other's beautiful and charming homes and gardens and the wonderful artwork that so many talented artists are kind enough to share! You should visit my flickr website and click on "favorites" for some delicous eye candy from my flickr friends!
I think I have babbled on long enough for a first post so farwell and hopefully I will return!
Michelle http://flickr.com/people/seasiderosegarden/
Blogger says that my comment could not be processed...that has never happened to me before..
Anyway, glad to see that you are posting again.
I'll be back.
well I think you have a lovely start. Last Christmas I gave our daughter-in-law a digital camera. In the afternoon we went for a walk and I offered to take a picture of them. I was acting a bit silly walking backward pretending to be a real photographer when I slipped and the camera broke. Sadness. Sometimes you just have to laugh. There are so many pretty things to scan and I'm sure you'll find them all.
Hello there! Somehow I had the delightful experience of running across your enchanting flickr account. It must have been an act of serendipity, because then I somehow found your blog, which I just love and I think you must be a kindred spirit. But anyway, I just wanted to tell you, " how very nice to meet you."
Wondered when you would be back! I found your blog some time ago, and liked it,so I put you in my favorites.Glad to have you back!!
Yes! Not only do we have the exact same name but we both spell it with two ll's and to me too ll's in Michelle is like Ann with an e. And not only do we spell our same name exactly the same but our husbands are both named DAVID...okay this weird...good weird, but weird none the less! :)
HURRAY!! HURRAY!!! You're posting again!!! I can't wait to read more about you and your sweet world!! xo-Melfie
Oh, did I mention how beautiful that collage is??? Who is that sweet little girl?? xo-Melfie
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have had you as a contact on my flickr for a while now, glad to discover you have a blog! Nice to meet you too and yes, it does seem we have similar tastes-we should do a goodie swop some time! I love those!
Here is my email: bonnie@vestronic.net if you want to contact me in the future. Take care!
Lovely blog...had a nice visit!!!
yeahh I have your blog on my bloglines ...good to see you back here although Ive enjoyed seeing your stuff on flickr!
this piece is beautiful!
Your work is delightful :) The beauty about picking up a blog after being gone a long time... you'll have a lot to share ;) Have a great weekend!
I love that collage! Beautiful! Karin @ creativechaos.typepad
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