I love the Goodwill: Part II
My sweet Mama arrived on Saturday night!! Yay!! Sunday we went to one of our favorite antique stores. I didn't bring my camera because I shared photos of the same antique mall just a few posts ago. We didn't buy anything at the antique mall, but afterwards we stopped by the Goodwill and I found something I have been looking for for years- the cute wooden linen rack that is in the above photo. I have found many over the years, but they always were ridiculous prices but this one was only $2.99!!! My sweet Mama bought it for me! Thank you, Mama!! It is so nice to have a place to display my beautiful vintage embroidered linens so I can see them everyday, instead of having them stored in a box.

This pretty pillow is another favorite recent Goodwill find. It is a Rachel Ashwell "Simply Shabby Chic" pillow sham. It was only $4.99!! I just love the gorgeous print and colors on this fabric! I will be leaving for California tomorrow and will be gone for about a month, so don't forget about me!! I will be bringing my camera, so I should have lots to share when I return!
Michelle xoxo
I love your blog!!!! It is so creative and beautiful!!!!
Hi, i'm Cambria. I am 12 years old and I make handmade jewelry. I started a blog and an ETSY site just recently. ETSY is where I sell my handmade creations. I would love it if you would come check it out sometime!!!
What fabulous goodwill finds
Have a wonderful California summer! I am so happy for you and jealous that it's not me! Soak up the California air...take a picture of the Buttes for me! love ya
What awesome finds at Goodwill. I especially love the pillow sham. Have fun on your trip.
you find the best stuff at that goodwill of yours Michelle!!! have a great time in California, and i will be here when you get back:)
Love your linens rack - what a great find! Have a wonderful time in California.
Oh my more good will finds! I never find that much good stuff at ours~ I want to go shopping with you !
Beautiful finds!! That is for sure. Have a wonderful vacation.
Gotta love Goodwill...!! Great finds!!
Love the pillow. What a great find. Have a safe and joyous time on your trip.
I love your blog. I am planning to go to Round Top in the fall and would love to visit the beautiful shops you featured in your April blog. Could you tell me the names and locations. Thanks so much,
You are unbelievable! It's as if you have goodwill karma!!! What a great score...how come I never find those kind of deals? :)
Hi Michelle, I just wanted to stop by and let you know I love your blog! Beautiful!
Hello Michelle,
I am leaving to go to Fort Bragg for a month...I might run into you there if your going to the ocean. Enjoy your visit back home it is so hot here right now. I am melting! I guess
we are in for a heat wave. Love all your wonderful finds, especially the quilt rack Pinkie
Good finds and great bargains.. and with your sweet mama.. nothings better!
Hia, Michelle,
Your blog and it`s B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Will you consider exchanging links with me?!
Kisses Kisses
Hi Michelle!
I love the way you're displaying your linens. Which, by the way, my eyes just about popped out of my head when I saw them. You have some beautiful pieces! That linen rack was a fabulous find. Good job!
Hope you're having a wonderful time. Talk to you soon!
Patricia :o)
Have fun in Cali!
I hope you're not going where it's smokey. It's been horribly smokey here.
I love thrift store finds!
Come back to TEXAS! I hope you are enjoying California, but I'm missing out on what you are doing! I wish I could send you to all of my favorite shops! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Love your finds :)
Your rack is SO PRETTY! You have a wonderful collection. I also enjoyed your blue and green posts; great collections there too! I only have one jadeite plate, but it's my favorite :)
Hi, I stumbled on your blog and am glad I did. Really enjoying it. I think we live opposite lives, I'm from Texas and now reside in CA with my 3 kids and husband.
I am adding your blog to My Favorites on my blog so I can check in often.
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